
Education and Insights from an Experienced Doula in Denver

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Oxytocin, Endorphins, and More: Understanding the Hormones of Birth

When we talk about childbirth, it’s easy to focus on the physical aspects—contractions, dilation, pushing—but what’s happening on a deeper level is a complex web of hormones that guide both you and your baby through the journey. These hormones aren’t just incidental players; they are crucial in facilitating the entire process, from the onset of labor to those tender first moments with your newborn. Understanding how these hormones work can empower you to create a birth environment that supports their natural flow, leading to a smoother, more positive, and more empowering birth experience.

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Redefining Birth Success: Is 'Healthy Mom and Baby' All That Matters?

In today’s birth culture, there’s a phrase that gets thrown around a lot: “All that matters is a healthy mom and baby.” While, of course, the health and safety of both mother and baby are paramount, this phrase oversimplifies the birth experience. Birth is not just about physical outcomes—it's about the emotional, mental, and spiritual journey that brings a new life into the world. How you feel during your birth, the trust you place in your body, and the ability to make informed, autonomous decisions are all crucial elements that contribute to a truly empowering birth.

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Birth Story Madison Swann Birth Story Madison Swann

My VBAC Birth Story: From Home to Hospital

Just like any VBAC birth story, mine really begins with a cesarean. My son, Finn, was born in March of 2021. One day I’ll share more about his story, but for now I’ll give you a condensed version — We found out he was breech at 35 weeks, I scheduled a cesarean for 39 weeks but hoped he would turn before then…

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