Your Mini-Guide to Yoni Steaming

If you're not familiar with the practice, yoni steaming is a holistic approach to supporting reproductive and sexual health that involves sitting over a bowl of warm, herbal water and allowing the steam to gently permeate the vulva and vagina. This centuries-old tradition is gaining popularity as a natural and nourishing way to support reproductive and sexual wellness for people with vulvas. Whether you're looking to alleviate menstrual cramps, increase fertility, or simply carve out some time for self-care, yoni steaming may be worth considering as a natural and supportive option. In this mini-guide, you will find instructions for steaming, as well as a comprehensive list of herbs you can use and their benefits!

If you are pregnant, please consult with your provider before steaming! It is generally a good rule of thumb to wait until after the 37 week mark, as yoni steaming is intended to clear and cleanse the uterus.


1. Add ¼ cup of dried herbs (see below) to a stock pot with 8 cups of water. Bring to a gentle simmer with the lid on for 20 minutes. 

2. Set up your steaming space and your resting space; turn off your phone, light candles, or make a cup of tea to enjoy while you are steaming. Have a couple of hand towels nearby to your steaming space. 

3. Place the pot into your steam sauna. Alternately, pour the steaming water with herbs into a glass, ceramic, or metal bowl or container that will fit in your steam sauna or stool (or under a slatted chair, or into your toilet - for this, scoop the cold water out of the toilet and pour it down the sink and place a bowl into the toilet. Make sure the seat can close fully). 

4. Remove your clothes from the waist down, leaving your socks on, keeping your upper body warm. 

5. Sit on your seat over the steaming herbs making sure the steam pot is placed underneath the body so the steam gets to the perineum. 

6. If the steam is too hot on your skin, you can roll the hand towels and place them under your thighs to raise you off the seat a bit more. This is likely to happen if you are using the toilet. If necessary, create a small vent to allow excess steam to escape. You will feel warm and sweaty but not overheated. Steaming should feel pleasant. Don’t burn your skin! If you find it too hot, please open the blanket to allow some steam to escape, or move a bit, or just get up if you feel it’s way too hot. Try again after a few minutes. 

7. Drape your lower body with blankets that extend all the way to the floor to ensure the steam is contained. If it’s cold out, it’s good to cover up or wrap the blanket around your top half as well. 

8. Sit over your steam for about 30 min. depending on the temperature. Often, people just wait until the herbs and water are cooled down enough to stop producing steam. Enjoy the time you set aside to care for your body.

9. When you are done, dry yourself off. 

10. Rest quietly after the steam in a warm room, free of drafts, open windows or air conditioning, for at least 20 minutes. 

11. When you get up, dress warmly and protect yourself from getting cold for 2-4 hours. Even better, get straight into a warm bed and go to sleep!

After your steam

It is normal to get extra discharge of any color (reddish, pink, brown, black, yellow, white, clear), along with stringy tissue, spotting of any color, “coffee grounds”, flakes, clots (tiny or small) or to feel crampy after steaming. This is all a sign that the steam has reached the tissues and the uterine cleanse is underway. It’s ok if you don’t experience anything but feeling good and warm! You might notice the above discharge over the next few days, or you might not. 

Fresh red bleeding is an indication that you should stop steaming and wait until the bleeding subsides to start again. 

You can steam daily or every other day, or only in the days leading up to or following your period.

Options for Yoni Steam Herbs

Astragalus: Spleen qi. Anti-inflammatory. Immune-boosting. Antimicrobial, antiviral. Aids in wound healing and scar prevention. {provides strength and courage, enhances concentration} 

Basil: Muscle relaxant with analgesic properties. Anti-inflammatory. Antibacterial. Has a calming effect on stomach; soothes indigestion and fullness. Can bring on menses. Reduces menstrual cramps. {integrates sexuality and spirituality, spiritually cleansing} 

Calendula: Cleansing for the skin and mucous membranes. Very healing for irritated skin or scars. Activates the lymph. Detoxifies the liver. Anti-inflammatory. Antibacterial. {inspires optimism, clears trauma} 

Chamomile: Soothing to the vaginal tissues. Anti-inflammatory. {relaxing, calms the mind} 

Comfrey: Stimulates healing for broken or bruised skin and tissues. Mucilaginous. Nutritious. {grounding} 

Cornsilk: Aids in healing bladder and urinary infection or inflammation. 

Cramp Bark: A uterine decongestant. Reduces symptoms such as bloating, cramping before menstruation, as well as delayed menses, endometriosis, fibroids and ovarian cysts. Reduces spasms in urinary and digestive tract - UTI, IBS. 

Dandelion: Detoxifying. Kidney tonic. Moves the lymph. Improves digestion; highly nutritive. Balances blood sugar. {resilience, understanding and release of muscle tension in the over-driven person}

Eucalyptus: Cooling. Wound healing. Anti-fungal. 

Irish Moss: Fights infection. Resolves inflammation in the mucous membranes. 

Lavender: Antispasmodic. Nourishing to the nervous system. Soothes skin and irritated internal tissues. Digestive aid. {relaxing; calms the spirit, mind and body, restful and dream-full sleep, clarity of thought} 

Lemon Balm: Antioxidant. Antiviral. Supports the immune system. Calms the nerves; reduces anxiety and promotes sleep. Antispasmodic. Reduces itchiness. {uplifts as it calms; aids in hyper-sensitive emotional states, provides comfort to those who have experienced shock or panic} 

Marshmallow: Good for vaginal dryness. {soothing}

Milk Thistle: Detoxifies liver. Reduces pelvic congestion and varicose veins. Soothes digestive upsets from overeating or foods that don’t agree. (strengthens the spirit, assists in finding answers to long-asked questions}

Motherwort: Tonifies the reproductive system and increases circulation to the pelvis. 

Mugwort: Stimulates and eases muscle pain and aches related to menstruation. Helps restore a regular menstrual cycle; can help bring on menses. {helps to connect with the divine feminine within, offers insight into our visions and dreams, the herb of the wise woman} 

Nettle: Kidney and Uterine tonic. Highly nutritive. Tightens lax mucus membranes and capillaries. Reduces discharge of all kinds; blood, mucus, diarrhea, nosebleeds, etc. {protective} 

Oatstraw: Nerve tonic; can be used for insomnia and anxiety related to stress. Bladder and kidney tonic. {enhance mental capacity, increase energy and spunk} 

Oregano: Uterine stimulant. Increases low, inadequate menstrual flow. Antiseptic. Helps prevent infections. Best herb to bring on the menses. 

Parsley: Used to induce the menses. Relieves irritation of the urinary tract and helps pass kidney stones. 

Pau d’arco: Heals and detoxifies after any infection, particularly candida (yeast) or bacterial UTI. Reduces inflammation. Promotes healing and regrowth of damaged mucous membranes. {supports vigor and overall well-being} 

Peppermint: Relieves spasms of the digestive tract and IBS. Reduces tension headaches.

Red Clover: Eases symptoms of PMS or menopause. Promotes skin healing. 

Red Raspberry: Gentle uterine tonic. Aids in building a healthy uterine lining. Soothes skin irritation or rashes. Clears toxins from the body. Regulates hormones. {promotes patience, prudence, and carefulness} 

Rose: Anti-inflammatory. Cooling. Anti-anxiety and anti-spasmodic. Heart tonic. Soothes an over-extended or sick liver. Nerve and injury pain.

Rosemary: Increases circulation, clears out old blood & fluids. Antiseptic and very cleansing. {brings concentration and focused energy} 

Shepherd's Purse: Reduces excessive menstrual bleeding, helpful in treating endometriosis, nourishment after prolonged postpartum bleeding. 

Witch Hazel: Astringent, great for reducing the size and pain of hemorrhoids. 

White Peony Root: Relieves abdominal pain, muscle spasms, regulates the menstrual cycle. Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory. 

White Sage: Relieves excessive menstrual bleeding, aids weak digestion, especially when digestion is upset by nerves, stimulates a late or sluggish period, especially when combined with a tension headache. Anti-inflammatory. {mental clarity, wisdom, slays the ego} 

Wormwood: Astringent, promotes digestion, useful in detoxifying if one tends to have recurrent bacterial, viral or parasitic infections. (Avoid coming in contact with this herb if pregnant) 

Yarrow: Astringent. Cleansing. Antibacterial. Good for infections and excess bleeding. {for the empaths or “bleeding hearts” of the world; create and enforce boundaries, increase powers of perception}

The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Madison Swann presumes no responsibility for any adverse reactions from the usage of the products or services. As with any herbal supplement or medication, always consult with your provider before use.


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