
Education and Insights from an Experienced Doula in Denver

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Birth, VBAC Madison Swann Birth, VBAC Madison Swann

Facts about VBAC: What you need to know

After a cesarean, many parents are told that their only option for future births is another C-section. But that’s simply not true. In fact, vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) is a safe and appropriate choice for most people, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). Yet, despite the research, misinformation runs rampant, leaving many people confused, misled, and unsure of their options.

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Birth Story Madison Swann Birth Story Madison Swann

My VBAC Birth Story: From Home to Hospital

Just like any VBAC birth story, mine really begins with a cesarean. My son, Finn, was born in March of 2021. One day I’ll share more about his story, but for now I’ll give you a condensed version — We found out he was breech at 35 weeks, I scheduled a cesarean for 39 weeks but hoped he would turn before then…

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